活动将从漫步普林斯顿“诗人小径”和朗诵诗文开始。作者自愿上台,诗文作品以原创为主,欢迎家属上阵,也欢迎校友做听众。之后校友们可以视察普大校园和逛普林斯顿小城,或者在D&R Canal荡起双桨。活动最后以聚餐大啖“狮(诗)子头”结尾。
主办: 北京大学大纽约地区校友会
时间: 周六,2016年5月14日 2:00pm – 9:00pm
地点: Johnson Education Center, Greenway Meadows Park, 1 Preservation Place, Princeton, NJ 08540
报名方式和联系人:张达红(微信:cafeviolette 电邮:dhz@yahoo.com)
活动当天电话:张达红 (201)893 7051; 季敏虹 (917)568 1218
交通: From Route 206, turn on Elm Road and take a left on Rosedale Road. Preservation Place will be on your left – look for the D&R Greenway sign. Parking is available at the Johnson Education Center, and if the lot is full, at Greenway Meadows, 500 feet further down Rosedale on your left. From Greenway Meadows, walk up the path, pass the playground and soccer fields. Will group at Johnson Education Center to start the activity.
不开车的同学们也可以从纽约 Penn Station 坐 NJ Transit 的 Northeast Corridor 火车前往。请最晚乘坐当天中午12:14pm那班车,1:26pm到达Princeton Junction站,校友会将安排校友在Princeton Junction站统一开车接送。